Saturday, June 05, 2010

TMZ reveals details about the care of Britney

According to sources in the gossip website TMZ, Britney Spears's tutelage became a mere formality - because now it is she who takes almost every decision in your own life.

Spears' father, Jamie Spears, is the conservative official has the power to make choices for her daughter. But sources of the site ensures that Jamie has deliberately retreated, allowing it to take control and decide where it goes, whatcha gonna do with the kids, etc..

Last year, sources said the family's plan was to end the trusteeship in May and June (this time), but it seems that it will be months, even though Jamie is ready to let Britney open and return to his home in Louisiana.

At last report, the psychiatrist appointed by the judge conducted a new assessment about the case and is presenting its findings to the court. All involved have said that Britney is a person completely different from that in January 2008 when it was considered a case "5150" - a person who may be hospitalized involuntarily if offers danger to herself or others.


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