Thursday, February 03, 2011

Perez Hilton talks about disclosure of the Femme Fatale and video for HIAM!!

Perez Hilton decided to do something worthwhile and we provided some details about the new era of Britney, the Femme Fatale.

According to a phone conversation that he now had little to Adam Leber and Larry Rudolph, both businessmen from Britney, Perez is "inside" of the future plans of the singer.

"While we can not reveal everything that was discussed, we can reveal some things uniquely. Well, Britney will promote the album, and it will be announced soon. Spears perform on television, will be magazine covers and also give interviews. And much more! We are relieved to hear that. Ahh, what about the issue of having used a stunt dance in the video, the team said that Britney is not true. As for trivia about the video, we can anticipate that there are scenes in which Britney struggle with herself, and used a double for his fighting scenes. But it was Spears who danced around in the video - and can not wait to see! Entrepreneurs promise of Britney Spears that you see a lot - everywhere. "

However, not everything that Perez said so far materialized. One example was a novel about the Grammy Awards this year, he said that Spears would perform at the event, but later the information was contradicted by the entrepreneurs of Spears. It is this news for now registered as a rumor. The best thing to do is wait for official announcements from the team so we can celebrate Britney!

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