Friday, February 04, 2011

First preview clip of HIAM released by Britney!

As the manager Adam Leber pledged on Wednesday (2), is now available the first preview of the highly anticipated video for Hold It Against Me, directed by Jonas Akerlund.

Watch the player below:

In the snippet, the sets that appear are showing videos of Brit, as clips I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman, Overprotected (Darkchild Remix) and also scenes from the documentary For The Record.

According to the message that sent the singer on Twitter, we'll have more 13 previews over the next 13 days (one day) until the official launch, certainly in 18 days.


  1. Adorei, simplesmente fantástico. TO super ancioso, quer ver esse clipe logo. I Love Britney!

  2. Queen Britney, she's a max! This clip will rock for sure.
