Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Katy Perry cites Britney in interviews!

Singer Katy Perry cited Britney in their interviews, one for Ok Magazine and another to the YouTube.

In the first interview to Ok, Katy, when asked by the interviewer about what albums will never stop listening, she replied: "I was fanatical to buy original CD's, bought a week. I have many CD's at home. All amazing. I'm crazy for The Beatles, and have your entire collection. What about the records that never fail to listen are: Let Go, Avril Lavigne and ... Baby One More Time, Britney, because albums are fantastic and with dreams of adolescents. Britney with her skirt schoolgirl, was fascinating. Sometimes I had to watch clips of Britney hidden, because my parents, the video was very, very, very sexy. "

When he was interviewed recently by the Web site YouTube, which took into account questions sent in advance by his fans.

When one asks "What people do not know about you, but would be shocked to know?", Reveals that Katy has no secrets in his life, and that if I had to tell something was on her breasts, which are real and that she brushes her teeth all the time.

"I brush my teeth several times. I wish they were as white as those of Britney Spears", she said. "I used to watch the clips and kept thinking 'What does she do? Does she gets new teeth all the time? They are so white that gives light to follow up with them!'."

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