Wednesday, June 02, 2010

RUMOR: Britney was at the Millennium dance studio!

According to the site Pakistan News, Britney Spears is already rehearsing dance steps!

Without providing details, the website reported that Spears was seen last Saturday (29) at Millennium dance studio, where has rehearsed countless times throughout his career.

The paparazzi caught him during one of their breaks to smoke a cigarette - which is odd, since no image has been released so far. The agencies which tend to shoot Britney in Hollywood has not yet commented on the subject, which increases the possibility that only gossip.

We must consider as rumor until it is released photos of Saturday's visit or a new singer into the studio, continuing the trial reported. But the question remains: what would a site to invent that Britney rehearsing in a studio?

Credits: X-Britney

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